Category: Other
Grinder Manual vs Electric Aeropress Porlex Mini Prismo Scale Wacaco Exagram vs Exagram Pro Proscale XC2000 Brewista Smart Scale II Timemore eNano Acaia Luar Jennings CJ4000 Hario Drip Oxo Precision Timemore Black Mirror Plus (vs mini) Acaia Pearl (vs s) Philz Coffee Philtered Soul Medium Blend Hazelnut Maple Caramel 16oz / 454g
2024.12.26 LA Fresno Yosemite
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Protect Land + Sea Certification Haereticus Environmental Laboratory (HEL) Pollutants HEL checks for when certifying a product include: The Protect Land + Sea Certification (PL+S) is different from other certification programs, such as Organic, Fairtrade, etc. These certifications ask the manufacturer to guarantee a product abides by its criteria.PL+S Certified Products, on the other…
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Smell Causes butyric acid Baking Soda + Vinegar Baking Soda + Vinegar + hot water 1:1:1 Vinegar + Washing Machine Use vinegar as a fabric softener, maybe 1 cup / load OxyClean Hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide + washing soda Borax Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint Sodium percarbonate Hex Add Laundry Sanitizer Laundry disinfectants, like Lysol Laundry Sanitizer…
Luxury Watches
Luxury Designer Bags
Hermes, Chanel, Delvaux, Moynat Dior, Maison Goyard, Bvlgari, Cartier, Faure Le Page Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Celine, Loewe, Prada, Saint Laurent Paris, Gucci, Valentino, Bottega Veneta, Burberry, Givenchy, Miu Miu, Balenciaga Alaia, Alexander McQueen, Gabriela Hearst, Jil Sander, Maison Margiela Paris, Marni, Issey Miyake, Acne Studios, Jacquemus Tory Burch, Vivienne Westwood, Coach, A.P.C., Marc Jacobs, Kate…
滷肉飯 (Braised Pork Rice)
AC Joint Injury
Info [wiki] Superior acromio-clavicular ligamentInferior acromio-clavicular ligamentcoraco-clavicular ligament [wiki] (includes two fasciculi: trapezoid and conoid ligaments)coraco-acromial ligament Shoulder Joint Cleveland Clinic Acromium-Clavicle Joint (acromioclavicular joint) Grades of shoulder separation A shoulder separation can be mild to severe. Healthcare providers classify acromioclavicular joint separations based on the extent of your injury and how many ligaments…
Stealth Aircraft
b-52h stratofortress 1950s?b-21 raiderb-1 lancer 1980b2 spirit 1990 wiki: 2038 bomber controversynorthrop b-2 spirittupolev PAK DAXi’an H-20 轟-20 rcs simulations of aircraft
PC Install Apps
Windows Clean Install: Browsers: – Chrome– Firefox -> Log inn about:config set browser.tabs.loadBookmarksInTabs to true if you want to always have bookmarks open in a new tab– Opera NAS / Storage: – Synology Drive – 50_SynDrive_Sync – Thunderbird_Email– Google Drive Music: -> Spotify Pictures: – ImageGlass– Adobe Lightroom Classic CC 2019– Adobe Photoshop– GIMP /…
Taiwan High Altitude Plants (台灣高山植物) 玉山國家公園園區因地形特殊,海拔高差達 3,600 公尺,除峽谷、斷崖、風口等特殊地形,也具有暖、溫、寒 3 型的多變氣候,多樣的棲地蘊涵繁盛的植物種類,其面積雖僅為臺灣的 3 %,卻包含了臺灣半數以上的原生植物,在地理位置和海拔變化的交互作用下,不但具有亞熱帶植被,亦可見北國的植物景象。 園區植物分布可劃分為 5 大植群帶,分別為高山植群帶、冷杉林帶、鐵杉雲杉林帶、櫟林帶、楠櫧林帶;櫟林帶包含在臺灣山區盛行雲霧帶之範圍,而雲霧最濃之地區則常出現臺灣特有之檜木林相,該林帶涵蓋了園區大部分。 110 年統計顯示全園區植物種類共有單子葉植物計 475 種、雙子葉植物 1,580 種、裸子植物 27 種、蕨類植物 455 種、苔蘚植物 231 種、菌類148 種,顯示本園區不同的森林群系孕育出複雜而豐富的植物。
緋寒櫻 台灣山櫻花(Prunus campanulata Maxim) 台灣原生種,能適應較暖和的氣候與低海拔地區,是台灣分布最廣的櫻花樹種,也是全世界需冷性最少、花色最為濃豔的品種。 特色為花朵呈現濃紅色、單瓣、吊鐘型,對環境、土壤的適應性強,從平地到海拔3000公尺高山都能存活,是台灣春季重要的觀賞樹木。 平地和都市常見的紅色花瓣櫻花就是山櫻花,又稱緋寒櫻,被農委會林務局列為景觀造林樹種,中低海拔都有推廣種植,1月中旬到3月初陸續開花,春季時,三芝一帶可見山櫻花綻放。 霧社櫻 霧社櫻的花色則為雪白色,花期在2月下旬到3月中旬,中高海拔地區如南投縣仁愛鄉霧社、奧萬大,臺中市和平區武陵,以及觀霧等風景區,都可見它的蹤跡。 至於阿里山櫻則生長在海拔2,000公尺以上的高山,因不適合平地生長,景觀應用性不高,已瀕臨絕種,現為林務局保存的樹種,就連身為研究員的吳安娜也只在太平山看過一小朵,相當珍稀。 八重櫻 常聽見的「八重櫻」就是重瓣山櫻,花色桃紅,因重瓣山櫻能適應臺灣中低海拔的氣候,且多數性狀與原生山櫻花大致相同,推測可能是土生土長的原生山櫻花突變種。 吉野櫻 阿里山櫻